# 113

Death Petrol

Due to relocation of Club Moral bandmembers this one proves to be some kind of a 'Last' concert. Since we're playing in our home town- we'll work out some havoc.
We'll browse through 25 years of extreme noise, industrial improvisations en partial sidesteps from our repertoire to set down an everlast total performance after sunset.
This will be your last chance to enjoy the fine company of Club Moral, after that we literally split up.
From september 2005 onwards DDV leaves these regions and moves to Beijing to expand Wim Delvoye's 'Art Farm'. AMVK will spend the year 2006 in Berlin due to a stipendium by the Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst. Mauro will spend most of his time from september 2005 onwards on the tourbus of dEUS.

PODIUM (LINKS scheelapen)
13.20 King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table
13.40 toyerro (f)
14.00 selfhelp
14.20 curfew
14.40 filter feeder (uk)
15.00 thibault delferiere
15.20 anatole stretch
15.40 mollehauer
16.00 mime s. lalie (f)
16.40 lsd mossel (nl)
17.00 partkdolg
17.20 kobolten
17.40 syncopated elevators electric circus
18.20 das arentor orchestra
18.40 cowboy des hydratos pufpufolk
19.20 napoleonwards
20.00 penthotal (f)
20.20 olivier groene lul
20.40 sudden infant (ch)
21.00 cheapmachines (uk)
21.40 club moral
22.00 julian Bradley (uk)
22.20 dirk freenoise
22.40 sylvester anfang
23.40 permanent death
24.00 Surr GRRR (f)

PODIUM (RECHTS scheelapen)
13.00 scorpio scorpio (aus)
13.20 orphan fairytale
13.40 electric sonates
14.00 hellfiller
14.20 locklust
14.40 schizoide
15.00 arschgeil redux (f)
15.20 i love sarah
15.40 ghost of mercury
16.00 elton vincent
16.20 groote
16.40 black hawai
17.00 cassis cornuta
17.40 norma x'd out
18.00 antoine chessex (d)
18.20 odal (nl)
18.40 patn cytriek
19.00 edgar wappenhalter vs hellvete
19.20 porkchoco
19.40 masonic youth (nl)
20.20 endiche vs sat (lt)
20.40 infernal stranbism orchestra
21.00 lap!
21.20 bongoleeros (uk)
21.40 oms nma
22.00 lawrence wasser
22.40 sl-27
23.00 diskoster
23.20 ignatz
23.40 picturesque
24.20 tuto fuzzi (d)

in Scheld'apen, d'Herbouvillekaai 36, Antwerpen, Belgium.
