CM018 / A Sound Atlas of Venereology

A Sound Atlas of Venereology by DDV is based on the medical book "A colour atlas of Venereology" by Anthony Wisdom in the Wolfe Medical Atlases series, published in 1973. DDV bought it in the late 70s, it is now out of print and a collector's item.
All tracks are by DDV, performed on Wasp and Korg MS50 synth, and recorded in Club Moral in summer 1982 on a plain stereo cassettedeck with no remixing or mastering. On some tracks sound samples from the movie 'Possession' (1981) by Andrzej Zulawski (recorded in a movie theatre) are used.
The original edition came as a cassette with no cover, in a plastic bag with a booklet. The booklet contained the lyrics to all the tracks, and a selection of pictures. The cover of the booklet had a colour picture, cut from another medical book. All the lyrics are from "A colour atlas of Venereology" and another fairly old German medical book. Unfortunately we don't have any of the booklets left, and even the original mastercopies seem to have gone astray. The German medical book was used in an artwork by DDV and might have gone astray as well.

Some of the lyrics include:
Introduction (to the patients)
Many people attending a venereological clinic for the first time are understandably, extremely apprehensive and it is essential that the rooms in which patients are interviewed and examined have quiet, privacy and good illumination. Full clinical examination will often be necessary as systematic disease is often the cause of genital symptoms and lesions. Complete genital examination is always necessary and particular attention should be directed to remote sites where lesions that are helpful in the diagnosis of genital disorders may often be found. These remote sites include the eyes and conjunctivae, the oral cavity, the skin and nails and the lymphatic system. Examination must always include taking specimens for serological examination for evidence of syphilis; in many other conditions further laboratory examinations will be necessary.
Voices from the patients is an example of synthesized male and female voices on a Korg MS50 synthesizer.
Pinta is the least serious of the treponematoses. The disease has a limited distribution and is almost confined to poor native and Negro communities. Transmission is by contagion and nearly always occurs before adult life.
Calypso was not made with a tapeloop but with a 33rpm vinyl record that had a piece of tape stuck on it.
Chancroid is an acute sexually transmitted infection of the genitalia characterised by painful ulceration and frequent bubo formation. It is found throughout the world but is much more frequently seen in warm climates and in populations with low standards of hygiene.
Tertiary syphilis of the bones generally begins as periostitis, with later cortical involvement. The osteo-periostitis of long bones is predominantly an osteoblastic process with deposition of extra bone under the periosteum, resulting in the usual findings of thickening and irregularity of affected areas. About 50 percent of patients with tertiary syphilis of bone complain of pain in affected areas; this pain may be very severe and is classically described as 'boring' in character.
Bizarre sexual practises can result in bizarre physical lesions.
"He's very tired, he made love to me all night."

Apart from 'Pinta' none of the tracks were ever performed live and none have ever appeared on compilations. Although there was wide acclaim among fellow musicians and noise enthousiasts, no reviews or mentioning of this cassette has been made in any music or other source since its release in 1982.

There was a re-release on CD by Trash Ritual in 2011.

released September 20, 1982

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